(戏路|Drama Career)
Bat 3'19'' |
只是一场游戏 你不必太在意 过分投入也许 还会遭到质疑 是只有我 还是人们一直都如此空虚 有时想我也真的不必 活的那么tm较劲 匆忙的人群 日夜追逐着金钱名利 一些人天生不讲理 一些事压根儿没道理 想平安活下去 也只能继续 选择沉默不语 说不定今夜就会有只蝙蝠 飞上门按响你家的门铃
i did see bats in your dream i did see acts in your music it didn't make any sense with your lyrics it seems like you are playing a bad bat trick life is not your call to check in we all came naked and go without money everyone in life somehow gonna eat some shit no matter how much they tried to avoid it you can not be whoever you wanna be you gonna let shit go to survive the next morning but how could things be if i already didn't wanna live
1 = C (根音) 120 bpm (速度 bit per minute) 4/4 -------------------------------------------- ♩= (4分音符) = 1bit ♪ = 1/2♩(8分音符) = 1/2bit ♫ = 2 x 1/2♩=1bit -/↓/↑ = 1/2♩(8分音符) = 1/2bit ♬ = 2 x 1/2 ♪ (16分音符) = 1/2bit | = 小节线 数字 = 品位 = ♪ (无音符后缀标记时 默认时值 = 1/2bit) -------------------------------------------
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