- » MUSIC » » Crow Valley - It's All Connected » D Track.13-13


idea of this album: describe a paradise garden after life which is not perfect, it still a place full of fear and threatens, it is much like our fut ( ↓ See All)
idea of this album: describe a paradise garden after life which is not perfect, it still a place full of fear and threatens, it is much like our future or everyone's life in the endless future, we should prepare of it, but never fully prepared for anything, some beauty some ugly, all real. that's it, that's life, just enjoy and embrace everything

the more you know, the less you fear
( ↑ Wrap)

「Crow Valley - It's All Connected」

乌鸦谷 - 晕晕众生,命命相连

TAI HE | ISBN:CD:978-7-88334-198-7|LP:978-7-88334-199-4
- 1 Songs
D (1)
  • 01. EN Bonus Track: Please Kill Me (CD&Vinyl Only|仅限实体唱片)
    附赠曲目:请宰了我 5'34'' ˪ᵧᵣᶜ
    [Bonus Track: Please Kill Me]
    i'm holding a watch
    but the time has stopped
    i've known from the start
    but how?
    i'm ready to die
    all my friends arrive
    they're celebrating my night
    until the moon rises
    choking on bed
    twisting my back
    by the aches combining haze
    with a rope hanging on my neck
    so tell me my friend
    right from wrong
    weak from strong
    over from overcome
    choking on bed
    twisting my back
    by the lane stoned over night
    with a rope hanging on my neck
    dying softly 
    stay low
    save me from the low lies
    within a life-gap
    [Bonus Track: Please Kill Me]
    | | |
    🎸 +0 ¹E²B³G⁴D⁵A⁶E
  • A

    1 tracks, 05'34''(334s) in total.

    乌鸦谷 - 晕晕众生,命命相连
    Crow Valley - It’s All Connected
    所有词曲 : 子健
    All Lyrics & Music Written by RockZO
    编曲:刺猬 / 陆希文
    Music Arrangement by HEDGEHOG / Minstrel Lu
    Produced by Minstrel Lu
    采样:子健 / 石璐
    Sample: RockZO ( on Track 01 ) / Atom ( on Track 06 )
    合成器:石璐 / 陆希文
    Synth:  Atom ( on Track 04 07 09 ) / Minstrel Lu ( on Track 12 )
    Cello: Li Cheng ( on Track 07 )
    录音 / 混音:陆希文 
    Recorded / Mixed by Minstrel Lu
    母带:Adam Ayan @ Gateway Mastering
    Mastered by Adam Ayan @ Gateway Mastering
    编辑:野口西西 / 陆希文 
    Edited by XiXi / Minstrel Lu
    音乐制作统筹 / 制作助理:野口西西 
    Music Production Coordinator / Production Assistant: XiXi
    录音工作室:55TEC Studio / LOOP MUSIC Production
    Recording Studio: 55TEC Studio / LOOP MUSIC Production
    录音助理:宋禹@55TEC, with help from 小铭
    Recording Assistant: Song Yu, with help from XiaoMing
    封面手绘:Plastic Tree
    Art Work:Plastic Tree
    平面设计:子健 / xiaoni8
    Designer:RockZO / xiaoni8
    Font Design:Hao Junjun
    Photograph:Zhang Di
    吉他 / 唱: 子健 
    Guitar / Vocal: RockZO
    贝斯: 一帆 
    Bass: Fun
    鼓 / 和声: 石璐 
    Drum / Background Vocal: Atom
    子健感谢:豆豆 (福禄寿)
    ZiJian Thanks: DouDou (from FloruitShow)
    乐队感谢:父母, 希文, 西西,勺子,大洁
    Band Thanks: Parents, Minstrel Lu, XiXi, Shao, JSnakelet
    2022年4月 于 中国 北京
    April, 2022

    The copyright in this sound recording is owned by TAI HE © All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws. 本作品声明著作权保护,未经授权,不得使用(包括不得使用其制作影像及录音制品),违者必究。

    More LP, ♪♪♪... back to MUSIC
