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Interview Questions for Hedgehog(Shang Hai, Andrew)post by 2018-05-24 10:32:13 last modify time : 2018-05-24 10:32:13 Hey HEDGEHOG, Thanks so much for getting in touch on WeChat. Here are my questions for Hedgehog. It will be for a feature story in Shanghai Daily/Shine.cn that should run next Saturday to coincide with your June 1 show at MAO Livehouse. 1. Congratulations on your tour. It's very exciting to see you'll be coming back to Shanghai very soon. How is the tour going and how are the new songs sounding live? Which of the songs from the new album are getting the best reception live? 都很顺利,这是我们目前为止最棒的唱片,每首歌都是完美的,历经生活的磨练的,真诚的作品。 大家对专辑中的作品反映都很好,现场最好的目前是《火车 requiem for a train of life》这首歌,当然专辑同名曲《生之响往》评价也不错~ 2. Congratulations on your new album, Sound of Life Towards. When I talked to you during your Neurons tour, you guys talked about how your recent albums have focused on a different part of Hedgehog's sound like Phantom Pop Star being more psychedelic pop. What musically inspired you on this album? 我们在不同的专辑中会尝试不同的音乐表现方法,不会重复自己以前的风格基本,但是会延续并总结一些经验,保持简单的结构,创新的编曲,漂亮的旋律和和声,基本刺猬的每张唱片在音乐上都是不同的,但又都是很刺猬的,很适合创作期的生活和情感状态的。 3. It's been four years between Sound of Life Towards and Phantom Pop Star, which is the longest break the band has had between original studio albums. Was that something planned and after years of releasing an album every two years, is this a more realistic schedule for the group going forward? 其实这些作品2年前都创作好了,只是因为石璐生了小宝宝,我们休整了2年时间,不过这两年让这些作品更优秀了,歌词更加细腻,更有内容,编曲更加精炼,专辑中的11收作品大概是从50首排练录音中脱颖而出的,我们都满意的作品,我们扔了太多的歌,但那些录音都有保存,有时候听听以前的排练录音也会很惊讶“哇操,这么牛逼的动机怎么没玩下去啊当时!!!!???” 4. I was just listening to Sound of Life Towards and it sounds great through headphones. How was it working with Li Qing as producer? Actually what were the recording sessions like? Did it take longer than usual for you guys to write and record the album? 录音时间其实并不长,因为刺猬是在录音棚里效率很高的乐队,整张唱片的录音时间在1个月内完成的。后期制作大概用了2个月,这其中很感谢太和麦田-赤瞳唱片,和我们的制作人李青,她在混音上给出了很多建议,我们一直想找到一个了解乐队并能给乐队制作帮助有新想法的制作人,李青是我们多年的朋友,我们合作的结果很好,过程中我们都把彼此“打”哭了,“骂”乐了。。。。 5. Sound of Life Towards is released on Taihe Music. Why'd you guys decide to leave Modern Sky and switch labels? 摩登天空给的预算不可能制作出这种质量的唱片,我们需要好的唱片,好的录音条件,好的录音棚,好的制作人,好的工程师,这些费用摩登天空是给不了的,所以选择很明显,乐队是要出好专辑的,而不是永远站在“草莓音乐节”的舞台上玩命。 6. Hedgehog started when you guys were so young and have always projected a very youthful energy. As you get older, do you feel restricted by that or do you feel that the band will naturally evolve? 生活的痛苦是艺术最好的灵感来源与人生最好的导师,这些经历与孤独的思考,是完成一张优秀的摇滚专辑创作所必须经历的。一切都是自然而然的,所有的表达都是发自内心的,是经过思考和生活打磨后的结晶,自然的就是最美的。 7. There were some concerns about the band's future after a Zo Weibo post at the end of last year saying the band was going on indefinite hiatus after the album's promo activities. Are there still plans for the band to take a break after this tour and should Shanghai fans be worried that this will be the last time they'll have a chance to see you guys play in town? 我们对新的音乐有很明确的创作想法,所有关于乐队解散的消息目前都是谣言,如果我们解散那么我们会通过自己的官方渠道发布正式消息的。我们确实经历了些困难,也有些分歧和矛盾,但目前为止至少我们没有一定要解散的想法。不过这次巡演之后我们需要好好休息调整一段时间,创作新的作品也需要时间来找到方向和实践出真知。 8. Speaking of Shanghai, have you had any fun memories of past shows/visits to Shanghai? 上海是北京以外演的最爽的城市,我们爱上海! 9. Is there anything you would like to add? 听我们的新专辑吧,所有答案都在音乐里了,这是一张你绝对不能错过的中国摇滚乐万年一遇的牛逼专辑!!!! Cheers and have a great day, Andrew |
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