2022Single![]() |
「A Spray's Trip: Talking To The Palm-Print Of God」浪花游:对话上帝的掌纹 |
talking talking talking to the trees i pass by 对话和我路过的每一棵树 talking talking talking to the mountains up to the sky 对话高耸入云的大山 talking to the river for giving me a ride 对话载我一程的河流 talking to the rising sun and say hi 对话正在升起的太阳 向他们问好 talking talking talking to the little birds screaming for mom 和正在喊妈妈的小鸟对话 talking talking talking to the immortals blessing us in dome 和穹顶之下保佑我们的神仙对话 talking to the lightening and rain dropping down 和闪电雷雨对话 talking to the caves and the desperate people in town 和山洞对话 和城市里绝望的人们对话 talking to the seeds talking to the leafs 对话种子对话叶子 talking to the flower flirting with bees 对话正在和蜜蜂们调情的小花儿 talking to the kids shooting with their pee 对话互相尿尿射击的小孩儿 worms are painting with their thousands of feet 虫子们用他们的几千条腿在画画 talking to my nightmare and wake up at midnight 对话我的噩梦惊醒在午夜时分 look up to the sky can't figure out where am i 望向天空却不知自己身在何方 talking to the moon talking to the spoon 和月亮对话和勺子对话 talking to my lyrics note book 和歌词日记本对话 talking to a cat talking to a dog 和小猫小狗对话 ask them tomorrow if they gonna find a home or not 问问它们明天是否就能回家 I've been talking to my every sin and fault 对话自己所有的罪与过 wonder is there somewhere in heaven i wanna go 问还有天堂之门是否依旧会为我打开 停止我的恐惧 在黑夜里穿行 它飞跃过山谷 俯冲进茂密的山野丛林 徘徊于夜幕 的穹顶繁星 倒塌的建筑 战斗致死的痕迹 曾经繁华的都市 如今却荒芜一片死寂 蔓延在罪恶 的集中营地 天啊人类是疯了吗 妇女儿童都不放过啊 历史倒退着车轮 碾压伤痛的代价 我不敢相信 谁快去救救她 there is no savior above 世上本没有救世主 they sacrifice conscience in the name of love 他们正在以爱的名义牺牲良知 blood is splashing out of my skull 我充血的头颅已经快要炸掉了 think we may never touch the palm-print of god 也许我们永远都无法触及到那上帝的掌纹