Beijing Indie Band HEDGEHOG released their 9th full length LP [A New Born White Immortal], It sounds greater than any other album they released befo
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Beijing Indie Band HEDGEHOG released their 9th full length LP [A New Born White Immortal], It sounds greater than any other album they released before, 1 thing for sure, with 12 tracks in 1 pack, it will definitly gets your ears high as fuck( ↑ Wrap) |
「A Newborn White Immortal」赤子白仙 |
赤子呓语 生命笔记 孤独唤醒 记忆飞絮 生之续 一切都在靠近 ta已诞生 ta在憧憬 打开自己 点燃生命 梦之续 一切刚好来临 太阳下 ta还年轻 夜空莹 祈慕繁星 时间里 梦与时代 天地间 化为灰烬 仙之序 一切未完待续
过往昔伤悲 ⋄ 释今朝自由 ⋄ 然明日依旧
"so, tell us about you" "OK, en..." 1983 i was born crawling into this modern fancy world what’ve happened then? where have you been? those rock and roll graves as you know, life fucks us all (o shit!) since then the world is nice people are friendly and kind or you can say at least it appears as how did everything go what did you do for a living it's been so fucking great (great!) now i am a Chinese rock'n'roll legend (yeah!) as time flies i lost my mind i’ve tried so hard to survive it's not nice it's a sad story it feels like i've got another life woo woo woo woo things appear as they really are woo woo woo woo i can see just what i want to see woo woo woo woo they live as they supposed to be woo woo woo woo i can live as they don’t even exist i lost my mind lost my sight i am so blind to be your eyes every next time seems like a last time if there is a next life hope i were born another kind (i lost...)
郁郁光阴 年华四季 岁月鎏金 爱和知己 日相辉映 月落潮汐 盛夏恋曲 歌声里每一句都关于你 夜连绵细雨 月如幻似影 看繁花似锦 思明日愿景 情眷顾忧虑 期生如恋曲 寂落寞夜里 有歌声四起 woo woo woo 今夜落花有诗意 怎奈昔日流水无情 曲无终人莫散尽 难忘今夏乐伴光阴 woo woo woo 欲言又止 不知所云 把酒问今朝 莫叹息 假如明天会分离 至少今夜在一起 不必在意痛苦 相信终有真爱找到你 倘若一切早已注定 也许更该爱自己 无论未来什么结局 从来都不需要回忆
雨后沿街 暗淡的路灯火 仿佛带我 起飞去了天国 连星星也 好像对我说着 一些关于 未来的故事呢 它说一切 迟早要发生的 但故事里 似乎已没有了我 早知如果。。 算了 这不重要 都没什么 都市夜空 弥漫着霓虹灯 却没有一点 星光在闪烁 未来似梦 朦胧月影下 我们向天空 大声的呼喊着 生起火 夕阳下落 紫红色天空 烟花漫没 天地一线间 燃烧的云朵 片片散落在 这城市每个角落 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊 ... 星星夜月引路 爱带我回家 霏霏雨夜迷雾 路人我害怕 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊 ...